In order to improve service quality and analytical technology, GETECH invested heavily in setting up R&D center in 2012. Now, our center is well equipped with Agilent LCMSMS-6470, GCMS-5977, HPLC-1260 infinity II, GC-Intuvo 9000, Gerstel headspace injection-MPS2 that is also the auto-sample-preparation equipment for SPE/QuEChERS, PSS Single Particle Size Analyzer (SPOS). All instruments in the center are dedicated to develop analytical method, assisting customers and improving analytical capabilities. Such as Agilent LCMSMS with Gerstel SPE / QuEChERS auto-sample-preparation that can achieve the purpose of food inspection automation, reduce human work and error. GCMS for RoHS 2.0 analytical method. HPLC and GC for difficult separation applications and improve the chromatography technology, etc...