Agilent InfinityLab 高效能液相層析解決方案,包括儀器、管柱和耗材配件,可協助您的實驗室實現最高運作效率。
從常規分析到學術研究,InfinityLab LC 系列,提供最廣泛的 HPLC 和 UHPLC 解決方案組合,並且適用於各種應用項目和經費預算。
Agilent InfinityLab solutions for high- and ultrahigh-performance liquid chromatography include instruments, columns, and supplies to help your lab achieve highest operational efficiency. From routine analysis to cutting-edge research, the InfinityLab LC Series offers the broadest portfolio of HPLC and UHPLC solutions for any application and budget.
1220 Infinity II LC – 經濟高效
The 1220 Infinity II LC is an affordable, high-quality, integrated system that puts you on the fast track to highest efficiency_– for maximum return on investment.
1260 Infinity II LC – 日常效率
The 1260 Infinity II LC is the trusted platform with the broadest choice of instrumentation, giving you the best operational efficiency to take you to the next level of confidence – every day in every way.
1260 Infinity II Prime LC – 最便利
是 1260 Infinity II LC內液相層析儀產品組合中,功能最強大、最易於使用的系統。它配備了成熟的 1290 Infinity II 技術,為日常分析和MS的常規工作流程,提供了最佳的可用性和規格。
The 1260 Infinity II Prime LC is the most capable and comfortable LC system within the 1260 Infinity II LC portfolio. Equipped with proven 1290 Infinity II technology, it offers the best usability and specifications for everyday analysis and MS-based routine workflows.
1290 Infinity II LC – 效率標竿
The 1290 Infinity II LC embodies the next generation of liquid chromatography instrumentation, setting the benchmark in ultrahigh performance to deliver the maximum in efficiency.
撰寫者 : Valerie Chen, Wilma Huang項目 | 分 類 | 文 件 名 稱 | 檔 案 載 點 |
1 | LC泵維護 | LC泵維護_更換AIV濾芯 | 檔案下載 |
2 | LC泵維護_更換OBV | 檔案下載 | |
3 | LC泵維護_更換PIV | 檔案下載 | |
4 | LC泵維護_更換PTFE濾芯 | 檔案下載 | |
5 | LC泵維護_拆裝泵頭 | 檔案下載 | |
6 | LC泵維護_清洗溶劑過濾頭 | 檔案下載 | |
7 | LC泵維護_更換Piston seal | 檔案下載 | |
8 | LC泵故障排除 | LC泵故障排除_四元泵MCGV故障 | 檔案下載 |
9 | LC泵故障排除_系統漏液 | 檔案下載 | |
10 | LC泵故障排除_清洗四元泵MCGV | 檔案下載 | |
11 | LC偵測器維護 | LC偵測器維護_更換DAD和MWD燈源 | 檔案下載 |
12 | LC偵測器維護_更換VWD燈源 | 檔案下載 | |
13 | LC偵測器維護_更換G7117x和G4212x燈源 | 檔案下載 | |
14 | LC偵測器維護_安裝流通池-G4212x及G7117x DAD | 檔案下載 | |
15 | LC偵測器維護_安裝DAD和MWD流通池 | 檔案下載 | |
16 | LC偵測器維護_安裝VWD流通池 | 檔案下載 | |
17 | LC偵測器故障排除 | LC偵測器故障排除_氘燈無法運作 | 檔案下載 |
18 | LC偵測器故障排除_流通池堵塞 | 檔案下載 | |
19 | LC偵測器故障排除_RID清洗及校正 | 檔案下載 | |
20 | LC進樣器維護 | LC進樣器維護_更換針及針座-G7129x Vialsampler | 檔案下載 |
21 | LC進樣器維護_更換針及針座-G7167x Multisampler | 檔案下載 | |
22 | LC進樣器維護_更換標準自動進樣器針及針座 | 檔案下載 | |
23 | LC進樣器維護_更換蠕動泵 | 檔案下載 | |
24 | 除氣機故障排除 | 除氣機故障排除_無法到達真空度 | 檔案下載 |